The Book of Proceedings of the Conference contains papers presented at the 2nd International Conference of the Journal “Scuola Democratica” (June 2-3-4-5, 2021, online).
The Conference has been an opportunity to present and discuss empirical and theoretical works from a variety of disciplines and fields covering education and thus promoting a trans- and inter-disciplinary discussion on urgent topics; to foster debates among experts and professionals; to diffuse research findings all over international scientific networks and practitioners’ mainstreams; to launch further strategies and networking alliances on local, national and international scale; to provide a new space for debate and evidences to educational policies. In this framework, more than 800 participants, including academics, educators, university students, had the opportunity to engage in a productive and fruitful dialogue based on research, analyses and critics, most of which have been published in this volume in their full version.
The Proceedings are available across three Volumes in Open Access, and with a registered ISBN.
Please select a Volume of the Proceedings to download the corresponding PDF.