Please find below the conference volunteer staff, to whom we extend our gratitude for their time and effort contributed to support the event.


  • Emilia Brundu 
  • Enrica Cossu
  • Giulia Dell’Omodarme
  • Anita Deplano
  • Cristiano Foddis
  • Federica Guida
  • Alessandro Marras 
  • Emanuele Marrocu
  • Alessandro Mereu
  • Roberto Emanuele Monteverde
  • Alice Murru
  • Ilaria Poddighe
  • Vanessa Regazzi
  • Sabrina Sanna
  • Lorenzo Spina
  • Laura Spissu
  • Giulia Tocco
  • Luca Antonio Valdes
  • Eleonora Lorella Vespa