Third International Conference of the journal "Scuola Democratica"
JUNE 3-4-5-6, 2024, University of Cagliari (Italy)
The Third International Conference of the academic journal “Scuola Democratica” hosts almost 100 confirmed panels along with keynote speeches and symposia. These diverse offerings are organized into 12 thematic streams, spanning a broad spectrum of issues and disciplines related to education.
Listed below are the panel sessions of the conference. Please click on the title of each panel session to access the corresponding call for abstracts.
A. Educational Inequalities and Social Justice
A.01. Academic Learning Losses “in” and “after” the Pandemic: Data, Policies, and Analyses
Louis Volante (Brock University, Canada); Giancola Orazio (Sapienza Universita Di Roma, Italy)
A.02. Education and labour market inequalities
Terenzio Mingione (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy); Enrico Pugliese (University of Roma la Sapienza)
A.03. Education, evolution of welfare measures and new inequalities
Raffaele Sibilio (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy); Paola Buonanno (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy); Angelo Falzarano (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Italy)
A.04. Educational choices: theoretical approaches, methodological challenges, and case studies
Martí Manzano Moliner (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain); Sara Gil Morales (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain)
A.05. In the interstices of education: subjects, spaces and processes for social justice
Anna Fausta Scardigno (University of Bari, Italy); Maurizio Merico (University of Salerno, Italy); Kathleen Lynch (University College, Dublin, Ireland); Maddalena Colombo (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy)
A.06. Inequalities in education and labour market outcomes
Valentina Ferri (INAPP, Italy); Sergio Scicchitano (John Cabot University)
A.07. Language learning for social justice: How university language programmes can contribute to reducing inequalities and empower minoritized communities
Frank Austermuehl (Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom); David Prickett (Universität Potsdam, Germany)
A.08. Mapping School Segregation
Andrea Parma (Polytechnic of Milan); Debora Mantovani (University of Bologna)
A.09. Popular and non-formal education in the fight against educational inequalities
Fiorenzo Parziale (Sapienza, Italy)
A.10. Preventing early school leaving: risk factors, effective interventions and policies
Valeria Di Martino (University of Palermo, Italy); Marta Pellegrini (University of Cagliari, Italy); Rosa Vegliante (University of Salerno, Italy)
A.11. Social, Gender and Origin-Related Inequalities in the School System: A Full Perspective
Patrizia Falzetti (INVALSI, Italy)
A.12. The analysis of educational choices: empirical evidences, research approaches, and theoretical implications
Orazio Giancola (Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy); Adamo Locicero (Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy); Federica Rizzi (Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy); Matteo Bonanni (Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Italy)
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B. Epistemologies and Decolonial Perspectives
B.02. Critical unschooling and the decolonisation of education: ideas, challenges and practices of collective liberation for social justice
Elena Piffero (LAIF – L’Associazione Istruzione Famigliare, Italy); Gina Riley (City University of New York, Hunter College, School of Education)
B.03. Decolonising Education, Schools, and Universities: time, spaces, subjectivities, and research practices
Emanuela Spanò (University of Cagliari); Marco Romito (University of Milan Bicocca); Marco Pitzalis (University of Cagliari)
B.05. Navigating Boundaries: Mobilities and Social Justice in Contemporary Education
Alessandra Polidori (Université de Neuchâtel); Flora Petrik (University of Tübingen)
B.06. Stereotypes, Risks, and Myths: New Challenges for Education
Assunta Viteritti (University of Rome “Sapienza”)
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C. Neoliberalism in/and Education
C.01. Adult learning and education for a socially just society: appraising policy and practice
Marcella Milana (University of Verona, Italy); Margherita Bussi (UCLouvain, Belgium); Borut Mikulec (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
C.02. Affirming social justice in education? Post-critical vistas
Stefano Oliverio (University of Naples Federico II, Italy); Joris Vlieghe (KU Leuven); Piotr Zamojski (Polish Naval Academy)
C.03. Education as Commons. Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education
Gianna Cappello (University of Palermo, Italy); Marianna Siino (University of Palermo, Italy)
C.04. For social justice? Critical perspectives on discourses of diversity and professionalism in education
Katerina Cidlinska (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic); Blanka Nyklova (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences); Johanna Maria Pangritz (Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové)
C.05. Global governance and education: implications for policy and practice
Tore Bernt Sorensen (University of Glasgow); Marcella Milana (University of Verona); Xavier Rambla (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
C.06. Social (in)equalities, democracy and education
Silvia Cervia (University of Pisa); Lorenzo Viviani (University of Pisa)
C.08. University studies and changes in habitus
Elena Gremigni (University of Pisa, Italy); Emanuela Susca (University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”)
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D. Policy and Governance in Education
D.01. Co-operation, education and social justice
Tom Woodin (UCL, United Kingdom); Cath Gristy (University of Plymouth)
D.02. Continuing Vocational Training in Italy, between Unresolved Issues and New Scenarios
Roberto Angotti (INAPP, Italy); Giovanna Campanella (Ismeri); Alberto Vergani (Università Cattolica di Milano)
D.03. Drivers of education inequalities in student performances and choices
Isabella Sulis (Università di Cagliari, Italy); Valentina Tocchioni (Università di Firenze, Italy); Maria Prosperina Vitale (Università di Salerno, italy)
D.04. Education and Social Justice: the Role played by School Quality. Ideas for and education system fighting inequality
Elisabetta Nigris (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy); Roberto Moscati (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy); Gianluca Argentin (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
D.05. Evidence-based education: impact evaluations, evidence syntheses, and the use of research in policy and practice
Gianluca Argentin (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy); Marta Pellegrini (University of Cagliari, Italy); Loris Vergolini (University of Bologna, Italy)
D.06. Evidence-based Educational Guidance
Veronica Mobilio (Fondazione per la Scuola, Italy)
D.07. Formative educational evaluation for an inclusive school
Guido Benvenuto (Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy); Ira Vannini (Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy)
D.08. School to Work Programs: an opportunity for social justice?
Mauro Palumbo (University of Genoa, Italy); Donatella Poliandri (INVALSI, Italy)
D.09. Translating the UNESCO “new social contract for education” into different realities
Rita Locatelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy); Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione (INDIRE)
D.10. Universities’ Public Engagement and Social Justice
Roberto Moscati (Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy); Stefano Boffo (IRPPS-CNR. Italy); Barbara Gruning (Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy)
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E. Teaching, Learning, and Professionalism
E.01. Adult education for social justice: is teaching to transgress still possible?
Howard Stevenson (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom); Aileen Kennedy (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)
E.02. Call To Action: Narratives of Experience Amidst Transformative Possibilities in Teacher Education Programs
Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker; Steven Khan; Dane Di Cesare; Bobby {Stanley} Henry; Louis Volante (Brock University, Canada)
E.03. Enhancing Equity and Inclusion through Classroom Assessment
Serafina Pastore (University of Bari, Italy); Simone Seitz (University of Bozen, Italy)
E.05. Mediology of education
Alessio Ceccherelli (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy); Elisabetta Gola (University of Cagliari, Italy); Emiliano Ilardi (University of Cagliari, Italy)
E.06. Models and methods to contrast school inequalities and students’ dropout. Teaching skills and teacher professional identity
Roberta Cardarello (University Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy); Elisabetta Nigris (University Milano Bicocca, Italy)
E.07. Practices and perspectives of self-reform in university teaching
Andrea Lombardinilo (Gabriele d’Annunzio University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy); Tiziana Tarsia (University of Messina); Francesco Cappa (Bicocca University, Milan)
E.09. Working at school. Career pathways, professional deontology, professional relationships and identities in the face of social justice
Gabriele Pinna (Università di Cagliari, Italy); Antonietta De Feo (Università Roma 3, Italy)
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F. Civicness, Citizenship, and Intercultural Education
F.01. Comparative studies of citizenship education
Maria Magdalena Isac (KU Leuven, Belgium); Andres Sandoval-Hernandez (University of Bath, UK)
F.02. Democracy or meritocracy. The effects in the education system
Andrea Casavecchia (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy); Daniela Sideri (Università d’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, Italy)
F.03. Democratic culture and the internationalisation of school education
Mattia Baiutti (Fondazione Intercultura, Italy); Roberto Ruffino (Fondazione Intercultura, Italy)
F.04. Educating for Responsible Digital Transformation
Cathrine Edelhard Tømte (University of Agder); Silvia Zanazzi (Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy)
F.05. Intercultural natives: how to promote the citizenship starting from early childhood education and care
Massimiliano Fiorucci (Università Roma Tre, Italy); Veronica Riccardi (Università Roma Tre, Italy); Lisa Stillo (Università Roma Tre, Italy)
F.06. Interculturality, Education and Active Citizenship
Sergio Ricardo Quiroga (ICAES, Argentine Republic)
F.07. Migrations, coexistence, intercultural education: the pedagogical challenges for the global citizenship
Massimiliano Fiorucci (Università Roma Tre, Italy); Veronica Riccardi (Università Roma Tre, Italy); Lisa Stillo (Università Roma Tre, Italy)
F.08. Prison (Higher) Education as a Tool to Enhance Social Justice
Lucrezia Sperolini (University of Westminster, United Kingdom); Giulia Di Donato (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy); Rocco Sapienza (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
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G. Diversity and Inclusion in the Educational Field
G.01. Adoption and Foster Care: Analysis, Reflections and Best practice on Equality and Social Justice at School and in the Educational System
Alessia Tabacchi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano); Anna Guerrieri (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila); Caterina Balenzano (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro); Monya Ferritti (Inapp, Roma)
G.02. Being well at school: equity between well-being orientation and student-centred pedagogy
Anna Granata (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy); Valerio Ferrero (University of Turin, Italy)
G.03. Cultural paradigms and pedagogical strategies for an inclusive school
Massimo Baldacci, Silvia Fioretti (Università di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy)
G.04. Decision-making and Justice: Unraveling the Threads of Social Equity
Teresa Rinaldi (Università e-Campus, Italy); Annalisa Valle (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
G.06. Financial inclusion starts in school
Luca Refrigeri (Università del Molise, Italy); Maria Iride Vangelisti (Banca d’Italia, Italy)
G.07. For a sustainable school between J. Dewey and Artificial Intelligence
Giuseppe Spadafora (University of Calabria, Italy); Giancarlo Fortino (University of Calabria, Italy); Teodora Pezzano (University of Calabria, Italy); Alessio Fabiano (University of Basilicata, Italy)
G.08. Higher vocational and professional education: what works?
Francesca Bastagli (Fondazione Agnelli, Italy)
G.09. Inclusive societies and equity in education: experiences and opportunities through Service Learning for cultural change
Silvia Guetta (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy); Patrizia Lotti (INDIRE); Lorenza Orlandini (INDIRE)
G.10. Innovative Learning Environment as devices for social justice
Giuseppina Cannella (INDIRE, Italy); Wesley Imms (University of Melbourne, Australia); Julia Morris (Edith Cowan University, Australia)
G.11. Nonviolence in education for social justice
Francesca Ursula Bitetto (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro); Gabriella Falcicchio (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro); Luisa Santelli (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro); Enrico Euli (Università di Cagliari); Emanuele Profumi (Università Autonoma di Barcellona); Daniele Taurino (Movimento Nonviolento)
G.12. Preventing and combating early school leaving since early childhood. Towards a dynamic, situated and eco-systemic approch to promote equality, social cohesion and justice
Luisa Zecca (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy); Chiara Bove (University of Milano Bicocca, Italy)
G.14. Social Inclusion Through Sport and Physical Education
Luciana Taddei (IRPPS CNR); Luca Bianchi (Quolity s.r.l.)
G.15. Social justice and ageing: older learners as active citizens in a complex system
Vanna Boffo (University of Florence, Italy); Laura Formenti (Milano Bicocca University, Italy)
G.16. Technologies and Platforms for Inclusion: The Importance of the Informal Dimension in Promoting Social Justice
Simona Tirocchi (University of Turin, Italy); Nadia Crescenzo (University of Salerno, Italy)
G.17. The Diversity Challenge for Higher Education. Barriers and opportunities in updating educational settings to deal with international students and guarantee equal and inclusive multicultural environments
Isabella Pescarmona (University of Turin, Italy); Roberta Ricucci (University of Turin, Italy); Anna Miglietta (University of Turin, Italy)
G.18. The educational poverty of minors with a migratory background: experiences, analyses, challenges
Giovanna Filosa (INAPP, Italy); Patrizia Rinaldi (Institute for Migration Research, Universidad de Granada)
G.19. The topicality of the School of Barbiana on the centenary of the birth of don Lorenzo Milani
Marco Sbardella (Centro Ricerche “Scientia Atque Usus”, Italy)
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H. Gender and Social Justice in Education
H.02. Ending gender-based violence in higher education institutions: Policies and problems
Marcela Linková (Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic); Lut Mergaert (Yellow Window, Belgium); Sofia Strid (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
H.04. Female Bullying at School. The Multidimensionality of Violence Among Adolescent Girls
Antonia De Vita (University of Verona, Italy); Giuseppe Burgio (Kore University of Enna, Italy); Francesco Vittori (University of Verona, Italy)
H.05. Gender inequalities in STEM education and the labour market: evidence, determinants, and interventions
Dalit Contini (University of Turin, Italy); Giovanni Boscaino (University of Palermo, Italy); Antonella D’Agostino (University of Siena, Italy)
H.06. Gender, interculture, educational perspectives. Analysis and contrast of gender and ethnic-based violence dynamics
Carla Roverselli (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy); Stefania Lorenzini (Università di Bologna, Italy)
H.07. Queering pedagogy. Contributions and challenges of pedagogical and educational research on gender, sexuality and sociocultural normativities
Giuseppe Burgio (Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”, Italy); Antonio Raimondo Di Grigoli (Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy); Alessia Ale* Santambrogio (Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”, Italy)
H.08. Sexist stereotypes and the public sphere: institutional responsibilities and educational challenges for a democratic society
Flaminia Saccà (Università Sapienza di Roma, Italy)
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I. Digitalization and Technology in the Educational Field
I.01. Digital Reputation and Social Injustice. Tools and Strategies for Media Education
Eleonora Sparano (Università degli studi Niccolò Cusano, Italy); Nicola Strizzolo (Università degli sudi di Teramo, Italy)
I.02. Digitalisation processes in Italian schools: lessons from the pandemic and vision for the future against social inequalities
Domenico Carbone (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy); Cristina Calvi (University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy)
I.03. E-Education: Opportunities and Challenges of the Digitalization of Educational Contents
Valentina Goglio (University of Turin, Italy); Anna Lo Prete (University of Turin, Italy)
I.05. Navigating Techno-Futures in Education: Artificial Intelligence and/for Social Justice
Leonardo Piromalli (University of Rome “Sapienza”, Italy); Danilo Taglietti (University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy)
I.07. Navigating the Onlife Era: Rethinking Education in a Digital World
Simone Digennaro (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy); Alice Iannaccone (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy)
I.08. Schools and universities facing open artificial intelligence: Perspectives, Opportunities, and Risks
Ciofalo Giovanni (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy); Pedroni Marco (University of Ferrara, Italy); Francesca Setiffi (University of Padova, Italy, Italy)
I.09. Teachers Attitudes, behaviors and sense of self-efficacy towards Artificial Intelligence
Francesca Storai (INDIRE, Italy); Sara Mori (INDIRE, Italy); Jessica Niewint (INDIRE, Italy)
I.10. The pervasive-persuasive relationship between education and technologies
Loredana Perla (Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, Italy); Marisa Michelini (Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy); Laura Agrati (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy); Mariassunta Zanetti (Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy); Alessia Scarinci (Università Mercatorum, Italy)
I.11. The process of digitalization in the education field: opportunities and inequalities within schools and universities
Giuseppe Monteduro (University of Molise, Italy); Daria Panebianco (University of Padua); Sara Nanetti (Catholic University of Milan)
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J. Space and Art in Education
j.01. «The comicization of academic knowledge»: the sequential and invisible artification of science?
Nicolas Bué (Université d’Artois, France); Thomas Alam (Université de Lille, France)
j.02. Art Education and social justice: New ways for the development of democracy
Alessia Rosa (INDIRE, Italy); Claudia Chellini (INDIRE, Italy); Marco Morandi (INDIRE, Italy)
j.03. Educating for sustainability through the arts
Anna Lisa Tota (Università Roma Tre, Roma, Italy); Christopher Mathieu (University of Lund, Sweden)
j.04. Educational Futures of Small and Rural Schools
Paolo Landri (CNR IRPPS, Italy); Giuseppina Mangione (INDIRE Italy)
j.05. Leveling Up: The influence of Game Design on Education and Social Justice
Carlo Andrea Pensavalle (University of Sassari, Italy); Tiziano Antognozzi (Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca)
j.06. Outdoor Mobile Learning, Technology and Social Justice
Federico Montanari (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy); Giulia Conti (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
j.07. Spaces for education, Places of knowledge: the spatial architecture of the educational process, between agency and organizational constraints
Ester Cois (University of Cagliari, Italy); Valentina Cuzzocrea (University of Cagliari, Italy)
j.08. The right to a fair space for education: an interdisciplinary approach between pedagogy, architecture and design
Beate Christine Weyland (Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy); Simona Galateo (Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy); Bruna Sigillo (Libera Università di Bolzano, Italy)
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K. Young People in/and Education
K.02. Becoming adult. Higher education impact practices to ensure an equitable and quality transition.
Laura Fedeli (University of Macerata, Italy); Rosita Deluigi (University of Macerata, Italy); Gigliola Paviotti (University of Macerata, Italy)
K.03. Facing the democratic crisis through a renewed pedagogical culture and alternative educational perspectives
Claudia Secci (University of Cagliari, Italy)
K.04. Leadership and active student participation: democratic citizenship, well-being and inclusion in the secondary school
Giulia Gabriella Pastori (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy); Guido Benvenuto (University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’)
K.05. The role of informal and non-formal education in fostering youth agency
Valentina Lamonica (CNR, Italy); Maddalena Bartolini (CNR, Italy)
K.06. Understanding the nuances of first-generation students’ experiences from a Bourdieusian Perspective – Challenges and Opportunities
Franziska Lessky (University of Innsbruck, Austria); Flora Petrik (University of Tübingen, Germany); Nicola Ingram (University College Cork, Ireland)
K.07. Which (public) space for young people’s engagement in contemporary urban areas
Elisabetta Biffi (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy); Chiara Montà (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
K.08. Young People of Minority Ethnic and Migrant Background in Education. Combining Social Reproduction and Social Change
Mariagrazia Santagati (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy); Berenice Scandone (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy)
K.09. Young people’s experiences and lives: embodying, experiencing, and challenging neoliberal policies and discourses
Aina Tarabini (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain); Nicola Ingram (University College Cork)
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L. Ecological Justice in/and Education
L.01. Adolescents, Intergenerational Relationships and Sustainable Future: The Role of School and Education
Silvia Zanazzi (Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy); Elena Marescotti (Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italy)
L.02. Climate change, education, social justice: main characters, processes, educational implications
Monica Guerra (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy); Gabriella Calvano (University of Bari, Italy)
L.03. Educating in a more-than-human world: ecological crisis and social inequalities
Alessandro Peter Ferrante (Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy); Andrea Galimberti (Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy); Maria Benedetta Gambacorti-Passerini (Università Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
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