Third International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica”
June 3-6, 2024 | University of Cagliari, Italy
Conference Program
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Monday, 03/June/2024 | ||||||
10:00am - 11:00am |
Welcome & Registration Location: Amphitheatre A |
11:00am - 12:45pm |
A.06.: Inequalities in education and labour market outcomes Location: Room 1
C.06.: Social (in)equalities, democracy and education Location: Room 10
D.10.: Universities’ Public Engagement and Social Justice Location: Room 10 bis
E.05.: Mediology of education Location: Room 11
F.03.: Democratic culture and the internationalisation of school education Location: Room 11 bis
F.04.a: Educating for Responsible Digital Transformation (a) Location: Room 12
G.01.: Adoption and Foster Care: Analysis, Reflections and Best practice on Equality and Social Justice at School and in the Educational System Location: Room 13
G.07.a: For a sustainable school between John Dewey and Artificial Intelligence (A) Location: Room 2
G.12.: Preventing and combating early school leaving since early childhood. Towards a dynamic, situated and eco-systemic approch to promote equality, social cohesion and justice Location: Room 4
H.02.: Ending gender-based violence in higher education institutions: Policies and problems Location: Room 5
H.04.a: Female Bullying at School. The Multidimensionality of Violence Among Adolescent Girls (A) Location: Room 6
H.08.a: Sexist stereotypes and the public sphere: Institutional responsibilities and educational challenges for a democratic society (A) Location: Room 7
I.01.: Digital Reputation and Social Injustice. Tools and Strategies for Media Education Location: Room 9/9 bis
J.02.: Art Education and social justice: New ways for the development of democracy Location: Auditorium Baffi
K.02.: Becoming adult. Higher education impact practices to ensure an equitable and quality transition Location: Auditorium Arcari
1:00pm - 2:15pm |
Lunch Break |
2:15pm - 4:30pm |
Plenary Session Location: Amphitheatre A
Opening Speech LUCIANO BENADUSI (University of Rome "Sapienza")
Keynote Lecture AGNES VAN ZANTEN Education-based mobility in the 21st century: Barriers and opportunities in a market-based meritocracy [info] |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break |
5:00pm - 6:45pm |
A.02.: Education and labour market inequalities Location: Room 1
B.06.: Stereotypes, Risks, and Myths: New Challenges for Education Location: Room 10
C.08.: University studies and changes in habitus Location: Room 10 bis
D.06.: Evidence-based Educational Guidance Location: Room 11
D.08.: School to Work Programs: An opportunity for social justice? Location: Room 11 bis
E.03.: Enhancing Equity and Inclusion through Classroom Assessment Location: Room 13
F.04.b: Educating for Responsible Digital Transformation (b) Location: Room 12
G.04.: Decision-making and Justice: Unraveling the Threads of Social Equity Location: Room 4
G.07.b: For a sustainable school between John Dewey and Artificial Intelligence (B) Location: Room 2
G.08.: Higher vocational and professional education: What works? Location: Room 5
G.10.: Innovative Learning Environment as devices for social justice Location: Room 9/9 bis
G.14.: Social Inclusion Through Sport and Physical Education Location: Auditorium Baffi
G.19.: The topicality of the School of Barbiana on the centenary of the birth of don Lorenzo Milani Location: Auditorium SP
H.04.b: Female Bullying at School. The Multidimensionality of Violence Among Adolescent Girls (B) Location: Room 6
H.08.b: Sexist stereotypes and the public sphere: Institutional responsibilities and educational challenges for a democratic society (B) Location: Room 7
I.02.: Digitalisation processes in Italian schools: Lessons from the pandemic and vision for the future against social inequalities Location: Auditorium Arcari
Date: Tuesday, 04/June/2024 | ||||||
9:00am - 10:45am |
A.04.a: Educational choices: Theoretical approaches, methodological challenges, and case studies (A) Location: Amphitheatre B
A.10.a: Preventing early school leaving: Risk factors, effective interventions and policies (A) Location: Auditorium SP
A.11.a: Social, Gender and Origin-Related Inequalities in the School System: A Full Perspective (A) Location: Room 1
B.02.a: Critical unschooling and the decolonisation of education: Ideas, challenges and practices of collective liberation for social justice (A) Location: Room 10
C.04.: For social justice? Critical perspectives on discourses of diversity and professionalism in education Location: Room 10 bis
C.05.a: Global governance and education: Implications for policy and practice (A) Location: Room 11
D.01.: Co-operation, education and social justice Location: Room 11 bis
E.02.: Call To Action: Narratives of Experience Amidst Transformative Possibilities in Teacher Education Programs Location: Room 12
E.06.a: Models and methods to contrast school inequalities and students' dropout. Teaching skills and teacher professional identity (A) Location: Auditorium Arcari
E.07.a: Practices and perspectives of self-reform in university teaching (A) Location: Room 4
G.02.a: Being well at school: Equity between well-being orientation and student-centred pedagogy (A) Location: Auditorium Baffi
G.09.a: Inclusive societies and equity in education: Experiences and opportunities through Service Learning for cultural change (A) Location: Room 13
J.03.a: Educating for sustainability through the arts (A) Location: Room 9/9 bis
J.08.a: The right to a fair space for education: An interdisciplinary approach between pedagogy, architecture and design (A) Location: Room 7
L.03.a: Educating in a more-than-human world: Ecological crisis and social inequalities (A) Location: Room 2
10:45am - 11:15am |
Coffee Break |
11:15am - 1:00pm |
A.04.b: Educational choices: Theoretical approaches, methodological challenges, and case studies (B) Location: Amphitheatre B
A.10.b: Preventing early school leaving: Risk factors, effective interventions and policies (B) Location: Auditorium SP
A.11.b: Social, Gender and Origin-Related Inequalities in the School System: A Full Perspective (B) Location: Room 1
B.02.b: Critical unschooling and the decolonisation of education: Ideas, challenges and practices of collective liberation for social justice (B) Location: Room 10
C.02.a: Affirming social justice in education? Post-critical vistas (A) Location: Room 10 bis
C.05.b: Global governance and education: Implications for policy and practice (B) Location: Room 11
D.09.a: Translating the UNESCO "new social contract for education" into different realities (A) Location: Room 11 bis
E.06.b: Models and methods to contrast school inequalities and students' dropout. Teaching skills and teacher professional identity (B) Location: Auditorium Arcari
E.07.b: Practices and perspectives of self-reform in university teaching (B) Location: Room 4
F.06.: Interculturality, Education and Active Citizenship Location: Room 5
F.08.a: Prison (Higher) Education as a Tool to Enhance Social Justice (A) Location: Room 12
G.02.b: Being well at school: Equity between well-being orientation and student-centred pedagogy (B) Location: Auditorium Baffi
G.09.b: Inclusive societies and equity in education: Experiences and opportunities through Service Learning for cultural change (B) Location: Room 13
I.05: Navigating Techno-Futures in Education: Artificial Intelligence and/for Social Justice Location: Room 6
J.03.b: Educating for sustainability through the arts (B) Location: Room 9/9 bis
J.08.b: The right to a fair space for education: An interdisciplinary approach between pedagogy, architecture and design (B) Location: Room 7
L.03.b: Educating in a more-than-human world: Ecological crisis and social inequalities (B) Location: Room 2
1:00pm - 2:30pm |
Lunch Break |
2:30pm - 4:30pm |
Semi-Plenary Session Location: Amphitheatre A
Discussant Donatella Palomba (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") Chairperson Emanuela Spanò (University of Cagliari) |
Symposium Location: Auditorium Arcari Bolton Hope Foundation Autonomy and alliances for closing gaps in education (info) |
Symposium Location: Auditorium SP INVALSI Stereotypes and gender inequalities (info) |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break |
5:00pm - 6:45pm |
A.04.c: Educational choices: Theoretical approaches, methodological challenges, and case studies (C) Location: Amphitheatre B
A.10.c: Preventing early school leaving: Risk factors, effective interventions and policies (C) Location: Auditorium SP
C.02.b: Affirming social justice in education? Post-critical vistas (B) Location: Room 10 bis
D.09.b: Translating the UNESCO "new social contract for education" into different realities (B) Location: Room 11 bis
E.06.c: Models and methods to contrast school inequalities and students' dropout. Teaching skills and teacher professional identity (C) Location: Auditorium Arcari
F.05.: Intercultural natives: How to promote the citizenship starting from early childhood education and care Location: Room 1
F.08.b: Prison (Higher) Education as a Tool to Enhance Social Justice (B) Location: Room 12
G.02.c: Being well at school: Equity between well-being orientation and student-centred pedagogy (C) Location: Auditorium Baffi
G.06.: Financial inclusion starts in school Location: Room 10
G.09.c: Inclusive societies and equity in education: Experiences and opportunities through Service Learning for cultural change (C) Location: Room 13
I.03.: E-Education: Opportunities and Challenges of the Digitalization of Educational Contents Location: Room 4
I.08.: Schools and universities facing open artificial intelligence: Perspectives, opportunities, and risks Location: Room 5
J.01.: «The comicization of academic knowledge»: The sequential and invisible artification of science? Location: Room 6
J.07.: Spaces for Education, Places of Knowledge: The Spatial Architecture of the Educational Process, Between Agency and Organizational Constraints Location: Room 9/9 bis
J.08.c: The right to a fair space for education: An interdisciplinary approach between pedagogy, architecture and design (C) Location: Room 7
K.09.: Young people’s experiences and lives: Embodying, experiencing, and challenging neoliberal policies and discourses Location: Room 11
L.03.c: Educating in a more-than-human world: Ecological crisis and social inequalities (C) Location: Room 2
Date: Wednesday, 05/June/2024 | ||||||
9:00am - 10:45am |
A.03.a: Education, evolution of welfare measures and new inequalities (A) Location: Room 1
A.05.a: In the interstices of education: Subjects, spaces and processes for social justice (A) Location: Room 10
A.07.: Language learning for social justice: How university language programmes can contribute to reducing inequalities and empower minoritized communities Location: Room 10 bis
A.09.a: Popular and non-formal education in the fight against educational inequalities (A) Location: Room 11
B.05.: Navigating Boundaries: Mobilities and Social Justice in Contemporary Education Location: Room 11 bis
D.03.: Drivers of education inequalities in student performances and choices Location: Room 12
E.09.a: Working at school. Career pathways, professional deontology, professional relationships and identities in the face of social justice (A) Location: Room 13
F.01.: Comparative studies of citizenship education Location: Room 2
F.02.: Democracy or meritocracy. The effects in the education system Location: Room 4
G.11.a: Nonviolence in education for social justice (A) Location: Room 5
G.15.a: Social justice and ageing: Older learners as active citizens in a complex system (A) Location: Room 6
G.16.a: Technologies and Platforms for Inclusion: The Importance of the Informal Dimension in Promoting Social Justice (A) Location: Room 7
H.07.a: Queering pedagogy. Contributions and challenges of pedagogical and educational research on gender, sexuality and sociocultural normativities (A) Location: Auditorium SP
K.03.a: Facing the democratic crisis through a renewed pedagogical culture and alternative educational perspectives (A) Location: Auditorium Baffi
K.05.a: The role of informal and non-formal education in fostering youth agency (A) Location: Room 9/9 bis
K.08.a: Young People of Minority Ethnic and Migrant Background in Education. Combining Social Reproduction and Social Change (A) Location: Amphitheatre B
L.02.a: Climate change, education, social justice: Main characters, processes, educational implications (A) Location: Auditorium Arcari
10:45am - 11:15am |
Coffee Break |
11:15am - 1:00pm |
A.03.b: Education, evolution of welfare measures and new inequalities (B) Location: Room 1
A.05.b: In the interstices of education: Subjects, spaces and processes for social justice (B) Location: Room 10
A.09.b: Popular and non-formal education in the fight against educational inequalities (B) Location: Room 11
B.03.a: Decolonising Education, Schools, and Universities: Time, Spaces, Subjectivities, and Research Practices (A) Location: Room 10 bis
C.03.a: Education as Commons. Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education (A) Location: Room 11 bis
D.05.a: Evidence-based education: Impact evaluations, evidence syntheses, and the use of research in policy and practice (A) Location: Room 12
E.09.b: Working at school. Career pathways, professional deontology, professional relationships and identities in the face of social justice (B) Location: Room 13
F.07.a: Migrations, coexistence, intercultural education: The pedagogical challenges for the global citizenship (A) Location: Room 2
G.11.b: Nonviolence in education for social justice (B) Location: Room 5
G.15.b: Social justice and ageing: Older learners as active citizens in a complex system (B) Location: Room 6
G.16.b: Technologies and Platforms for Inclusion: The Importance of the Informal Dimension in Promoting Social Justice (B) Location: Room 7
H.07.b: Queering pedagogy. Contributions and challenges of pedagogical and educational research on gender, sexuality and sociocultural normativities (B) Location: Auditorium SP
I.07.a: Navigating the Onlife Era: Rethinking Education in a Digital World (A) Location: Room 4
K.03.b: Facing the democratic crisis through a renewed pedagogical culture and alternative educational perspectives (B) Location: Auditorium Baffi
K.05.b: The role of informal and non-formal education in fostering youth agency (B) Location: Room 9/9 bis
K.08.b: Young People of Minority Ethnic and Migrant Background in Education. Combining Social Reproduction and Social Change (B) Location: Amphitheatre B
L.02.b: Climate change, education, social justice: Main characters, processes, educational implications (B) Location: Auditorium Arcari
1:00pm - 2:30pm |
Lunch Break |
2:30pm - 4:30pm |
Symposium Location: Amphitheatre A Associazione "Per Scuola Democratica" Universities and schools in the face of educational poverty and inequalities (info) |
Symposium Location: Auditorium SP Fondazione Per La Scuola School segregation in Italy and Europe: can research findings improve local strategies for inclusive education? (info) |
Symposium Location: Auditorium Baffi INDIRE The Plurality of Gaps. Territories, Skills, Technologies, Genders, Ecologies (info) |
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Coffee Break |
5:00pm - 6:45pm |
A.01.: Academic Learning Losses “in” and “after” the Pandemic: Data, Policies, and Analyses Location: Room 1
B.03.b: Decolonising Education, Schools, and Universities: Time, Spaces, Subjectivities, and Research Practices (B) Location: Room 10 bis
C.03.b: Education as Commons. Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education (B) Location: Room 11 bis
D.02.: Continuing Vocational Training in Italy, Between Unresolved Issues and New Scenarios Location: Room 10
D.05.b: Evidence-based education: Impact evaluations, evidence syntheses, and the use of research in policy and practice (B) Location: Room 12
D.07.: Formative educational evaluation for an inclusive school Location: Room 11
E.01.: Adult education for social justice: Is teaching to transgress still possible? Location: Room 13
F.07.b: Migrations, coexistence, intercultural education: The pedagogical challenges for the global citizenship (B) Location: Room 2
H.07.c: Queering pedagogy. Contributions and challenges of pedagogical and educational research on gender, sexuality and sociocultural normativities (C) Location: Auditorium SP
I.07.b: Navigating the Onlife Era: Rethinking Education in a Digital World (B) Location: Room 4
I.09.: Teachers attitudes, behaviors and sense of self-efficacy towards Artificial Intelligence Location: Room 5
I.11.: The process of digitalization in the education field: Opportunities and inequalities within schools and universities Location: Room 6
J.04.: Educational Futures of Small and Rural Schools Location: Room 7
J.06.: Outdoor Mobile Learning, Technology, and Social Justice Location: Room 9/9 bis
K.03.c: Facing the democratic crisis through a renewed pedagogical culture and alternative educational perspectives (C) Location: Auditorium Baffi
8:30pm - 11:30pm |
Social Dinner with Live Music The social dinner with live music will take place at Sa Manifattura (Ex Manifattura Tabacchi), V.le Regina Margherita, 33, 09125, Cagliari. |
Date: Thursday, 06/June/2024 | ||||||
9:00am - 10:45am |
A.08.a: Mapping School Segregation (A) Location: Auditorium Arcari
A.12.a: The analysis of educational choices: Empirical evidences, research approaches, and theoretical implications (A) Location: Auditorium SP
C.01.a: Adult learning and education for a socially just society: Appraising policy and practice (A) Location: Auditorium Baffi
D.04.a: Education and Social Justice: The Role Played by School Quality. Ideas for an Education System Fighting Inequality (A) Location: Room 1
G.03.a: Cultural paradigms and pedagogical strategies for an inclusive school (A) Location: Room 10
G.17.a: The diversity challenge for higher education. Barriers and opportunities in updating educational settings to deal with international students and guarantee equal and inclusive multicultural environments (A) Location: Room 10 bis
G.18.a: The educational poverty of minors with a migratory background: Experiences, analyses, challenges (A) Location: Room 11
H.05.a: Gender inequalities in STEM education and the labour market: Evidence, determinants, and interventions (A) Location: Room 11 bis
H.06.a: Gender, interculture, educational perspectives. Analysis and contrast of gender and ethnic-based violence dynamics (A) Location: Room 12
I.10.a: The pervasive-persuasive relationship between education and technologies (A) Location: Room 13
J.05.a: Leveling Up: The Influence of Game Design on Education and Social Justice (A) Location: Room 2
K.04.a: Leadership and active student participation: Democratic citizenship, well-being and inclusion in the secondary school (A) Location: Room 4
K.06.a: Understanding the nuances of first-generation students’ experiences from a Bourdieusian perspective: Challenges and opportunities (A) Location: Room 5
K.07.a: Which (public) space for young people's engagement in contemporary urban areas (A) Location: Room 6
L.01.a: Adolescents, Intergenerational Relationships and Sustainable Future: The Role of School and Education (A) Location: Room 7
10:45am - 11:15am |
Coffee Break |
11:15am - 1:15pm |
Plenary Session Location: Amphitheatre A
Keynote Lecture HERMAN VAN DE WERFHORST The societal tasks of schooling: qualification, allocation, and socialisation in comparative perspective [info] Chairperson Orazio Giancola (University of Rome "Sapienza") |
1:15pm - 2:45pm |
Lunch Break |
2:45pm - 4:30pm |
A.08.b: Mapping School Segregation (B) Location: Auditorium Arcari
A.12.b: The analysis of educational choices: Empirical evidences, research approaches, and theoretical implications (B) Location: Auditorium SP
C.01.b: Adult learning and education for a socially just society: Appraising policy and practice (B) Location: Auditorium Baffi
D.04.b: Education and Social Justice: The Role Played by School Quality. Ideas for an Education System Fighting Inequality (B) Location: Room 1
G.03.b: Cultural paradigms and pedagogical strategies for an inclusive school (B) Location: Room 10
G.17.b: The diversity challenge for higher education. Barriers and opportunities in updating educational settings to deal with international students and guarantee equal and inclusive multicultural environments (B) Location: Room 10 bis
G.18.b: The educational poverty of minors with a migratory background: Experiences, analyses, challenges (B) Location: Room 11
H.05.b: Gender inequalities in STEM education and the labour market: Evidence, determinants, and interventions (B) Location: Room 11 bis
H.06.b: Gender, interculture, educational perspectives. Analysis and contrast of gender and ethnic-based violence dynamics (B) Location: Room 12
I.10.b: The pervasive-persuasive relationship between education and technologies (B) Location: Room 13
J.05.b: Leveling Up: The Influence of Game Design on Education and Social Justice (B) Location: Room 2
K.04.b: Leadership and active student participation: Democratic citizenship, well-being and inclusion in the secondary school (B) Location: Room 4
K.06.b: Understanding the nuances of first-generation students’ experiences from a Bourdieusian perspective: Challenges and opportunities (B) Location: Room 5
K.07.b: Which (public) space for young people's engagement in contemporary urban areas (B) Location: Room 6
L.01.b: Adolescents, Intergenerational Relationships and Sustainable Future: The Role of School and Education (B) Location: Room 7
4:30pm - 5:00pm |
Conference Closing & Farewell Location: Amphitheatre A
MARCO PITZALIS (University of Cagliari) ASSUNTA VITERITTI (University of Rome "Sapienza") THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE